Job Oriented Skill Programme for Microfinance Officers

Terms and Conditions

Candidates filling up the registration form are required to read and agree to the following terms and conditions.

  • 1. Job Oriented Skill Programme for Microfinance Loan Officers is being offered by (Skillskarma Services) under technical collaboration with M2i Consulting Pvt Ltd (M2i).
  • 2. Registration form on this website should be used by a person intending to enroll herself/ himself. In case, if you want to enroll someone else, an email should be sent with appropriate details to
  • 3. The registration form filled out on this website is only for the purpose of enrolment in Job Oriented Skill Programme. Registration on this website does not entitle a registrant to membership/other benefit in any other program, course or scheme of or M2i.
  • 4. While registering, it is expected that the registrant will provide accurate and complete information in the specified fields.
  • 5. The person filling up the registration form authorizes and M2i to send registration, enrolment or course related communication to him/her on the provided email ID and the phone number.
  • 6. Completion of the registration form does not automatically entitle the registrant to enrolment in the program. The registration form will be reviewed for completion. Additional information, for the purpose of review, may be sought from the registrant.
  • 7. Upon review of the registration form, will send payment details to the person filling up the registration form. Enrolment in the course will be completed upon receipt of required payment.
  • 8. Upon enrolment, Enrolment number/user ID and password will be provided to access the relevant course content. It is the responsibility of the concerned person to maintain confidentiality of his/her user credentials. Enrolment ID will be provided to the same person on the basis of the details provided in the registration form.
  • 9. Enrolment will be suspended/cancelled, if it is brought to the notice of or M2i that user ID and passwords have been used for unauthorized access.
  • 10. and M2i own intellectual property rights over all the content on this website, unless specifically mentioned otherwise.
  • 11. Appropriate action (including legal action) will be initiated if complaints related to impersonation, frauds or copyright violations are brought to the notice of or M2i.
  • 12. Courts at New Delhi in India, shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any proceeding or dispute arising out of these terms and conditions.