Job Oriented Skill Programme for Microfinance Officers

Privacy Policy

We collect the following data from the persons registering on this website

What data is collected by us?

  • 1. Name
  • 2. Date of Birth
  • 3. Gender
  • 4. Marital Status
  • 5. Photograph
  • 6. Parent’s Name
  • 7. Educational qualification
  • 8. Employment details
  • 9. Address
  • 10. Phone No
  • 11. Email
  • 12. Driving License
  • 13. Course in which enrolment is desired

How the data will be used?

The data collected on this website will be used by us for the purpose of communication regarding registration and enrolment in the Job Oriented Skill Programme. This data may also be used for communicating with the participants when they are enrolled in the programme.

How the data will be stored?

Data collected on this website will be stored on secured servers. Only authorized persons from or M2i Consulting Pvt Ltd (M2i) will get access to this data.

Third party sharing of data

Data will not be shared with any third party who may use these for the purpose of marketing or for other commercial purposes. Limited data may be shared with third party vendors for logistical purposes (e.g. printing of certificates, or IT troubleshooting). Appropriate Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA) will be signed with the concerned third party vendors